
#125 Closed Minds Never Open New Doors

This week we stretch our minds around this quote. You may think you have an open mind, but do you really? I’ll ask some questions which you may discover and uncover your mind is not as open as you think it is. When we open our minds we can learn so much. Are you ready to listen and learn?


#122 Our Story

What’s your story? We all tell stories from our past, but is the story you telling hurting our helping you? We can rewrite our story. Yes the past is over, but we can rewrite it and make our next chapter better. Join me this week and stretch your mind and think about the story we want to tell to ourselves and others.

Our Story.PNG

#111 Take a Look in the Mirror

In this week’s podcast we stretch our minds and learn how our inability to take responsibility places blame on others and stops us from having what we want. Our lack of taking responsibility causes undo stress and heartache. Listen and learn how if you want to change anything in your life, you need to look in the mirror and ask that person to change it.


I never thought of it that way...

This week we explore the possibility that our way is not the only way. By reflecting on the words “I never thought of it that way” we can open our mind and start to have more compassion towards others. We may even find more peace within ourselves. We are conditioned to think when someone does not agree with us, they are wrong and we are right, but are they? Take out your mental mat and listen to this week’s podcast. You may find stretching your mind and learning there is more than one way to look at things is just what you need right now.
